Hey there,
I am a university student with a few years of experience. I wanted to share with you a few tips that I have encountered working for me the best when preparing for exams. In my case, all my exams happen during a short period of time, in like about 2-3 weeks. So for me it’s essential to prepare for several exams simultaneously.
1. Start early
I know this tip is extremely obvious but in Uni you have to know a lot (also unnecessary information) by heart and it is simply physically (and psychologically) not possible to learn a script with about 400 slides the night before the exam. Maybe if you are a genius that is a way to go but don’t play it harder than it is. In my studies I have encountered situations where there was a question in an exam asking the definition of a certain technical term. And such a definition can be a small passage somewhere in the script with about 400 slides. Exams in Uni are all about the details.
2. Make your own summaries
I find it very hard to remember everything when just reading the printed version of the information. I am a very visual learner, so to write the information down manually with my own hands is obligatory. When revising my learning material has to be my own handwriting or else I won’t remember the details so well. I always use different colours when approaching a new topic. Also try to rewrite the information as much as possible in your own words. But be careful: Some professors are really strict and want a one-to-one copy of their own slides as the correct answer in an exam (already had such experiences). Oh, and if you have a mathematical exam don’t just look at the sample solutions. You have to do all of the exercises yourself! Otherwise mathematics (at least for me) is impossible to master. If you write a mathematical exam exercise the mathematical problems until they get boring.
3. Do all of the past papers you can find
Teachers in Uni usually nearly always use the same scheme for their exams so when you do all of the exams that were published in the last semesters you really get into the topic, learn about the different exercise models your teacher uses and you get an overall idea about how the exam could be structured. Teachers aren't walking encyclopedias (referencing Lilia) . Each professor has their field they are specialised in and you may look up their research works of the past. If your professor for example has recently published a research paper on a topic there is a high chance that this particular topic will play a role in the exams the professor will create. Experienced this situation as well.
4. Don’t make yourself crazy
The exam period is over so fast. When you are in the middle of it you don’t believe for it to ever be ending but trust me you will survive all of the exams. I always tell myself: students before you have passed this and that exam so why should you fail at it when you have done everything possible in advance to pass it? It will be over soon. Trust me.
5. Feel free to ask for help/socialize
This is a point that I have neglected during my studies. I was mostly afraid to ask fellow students or the teachers/professors for help. But the Uni staff gets paid for teaching you. If you have a question on how to solve a certain exercise just visit them in their office hours or write an e-mail. They surely won’t bite you. But you have to be prepared, that means you have to have an exact question. Most teaching staff will be happy for students having an interest in their research field. And you are invited to form study groups. The human being likes to get social. Together with a fellow student friend the pain that Uni can cause is more bearable.
6. Make nice plans for afterwards
I feel so much more motivated during exam period when I know that afterwards I will get to spoil myself. It is the best feeling when you know that you have given your best and finally deserve something that you have dreamed about a longer time like a vacation, designer item of clothing etc.
7. Indulge yourself
While studying you have every right to indulge yourself to stay sane.
You can make the rule that you only allow yourself to eat your favourite kind of sweets while you are studying. That way you will connect studying with something positive. You can listen to beaufiul music while you read a book. Be creative. You have to surround yourself with positive energy while you are studying. That way your stress level will lower a bit. And the aspect of social media should be adressed here as well. Of course all kinds of entertaining media are a distracion while you are studying. You lose focus and your high level of concentration when browsing through social media. So you have to reduce your active social media time. But because giving up on social media can be quite harsh on your psychological system I learned to use social media in exam periods the best way possible. I follow a lot of study accounts on instagram. That way you even get inspired when browsing through social media as your feed will be full of motivational study posts. Moreover I like to check youtube's study with me section or day in the life of a student videos to keep me inspired and motivated. In the following I will link some study accounts on social media that I follow regularly (some are German).
@expertin.mit.ausstrahlung (Yasemin)
@studyingwithlily (Lilia)
@academic.eve (Eve)
@studylikegranger (Melanie)
@miss_jurastudentin (Lena)
TheStrive Studies
7. Indulge yourself
While studying you have every right to indulge yourself to stay sane.
You can make the rule that you only allow yourself to eat your favourite kind of sweets while you are studying. That way you will connect studying with something positive. You can listen to beaufiul music while you read a book. Be creative. You have to surround yourself with positive energy while you are studying. That way your stress level will lower a bit. And the aspect of social media should be adressed here as well. Of course all kinds of entertaining media are a distracion while you are studying. You lose focus and your high level of concentration when browsing through social media. So you have to reduce your active social media time. But because giving up on social media can be quite harsh on your psychological system I learned to use social media in exam periods the best way possible. I follow a lot of study accounts on instagram. That way you even get inspired when browsing through social media as your feed will be full of motivational study posts. Moreover I like to check youtube's study with me section or day in the life of a student videos to keep me inspired and motivated. In the following I will link some study accounts on social media that I follow regularly (some are German).
INSTAGRAM:@expertin.mit.ausstrahlung (Yasemin)
@studyingwithlily (Lilia)
@academic.eve (Eve)
@studylikegranger (Melanie)
@miss_jurastudentin (Lena)
TheStrive Studies
Good luck to everyone preparing for their exams! You will rock it.
Would you prefer to write one exam every month instead of about 5 in one week in your exam period? Of course in the latter you would only have the high stress level in a short period.
Writing an exam each month would leave you under constant pressure. But too many exams in only one week is quite hard. Please leave your thoughts on that topic in the comments below.
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