Sunday, January 06, 2019

Red berry dream

So today I want to inspire y'all to eat more fruit during the winter season. It is very important to eat fresh unprocessed fruit during the cold season in order to stay fit and healthy. Of course it doesn't need to be fresh red berries. They are quite expensive during that time of the year. But you can buy frozen fruit all year round! So there is no excuse for you to not eat fruits during winter!
Here's the recipe for the smoothie that I have freestyled during a dark winter evening.
I won't tell any quantity because it highly depends on how many glasses you want to prepare.

You will need:
- berries of your choice (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry)
- milk
- honey
- coconut rasps as decoration

The preparation is very easy. Just mix all the ingredients together. Leave a few berries for decoration. 
You can add coconut rasps or other flakes / crisps of your choice for a decorative purpose. The honey will handle the sourness of the berries.

Stay healthy!